Can a person work part-time and still collect UI benefits?

If you lot are dorsum to work just working less than full-time hours, you lot may be able to keep receiving unemployment benefits. However, the corporeality you earn volition affect your weekly benefit amount (WBA). If you are working with reduced hours (underemployed), y'all are required to report your gross earnings for each week you work when you certify for benefits. Earnings include any wages from employment or payment for personal services. Y'all can check your MiWAM business relationship page for the reduced payment amount.

Other types of payments that y'all are required to report include the value of room and board related to employment (for example, a belongings manager living on site that does not pay rent or utilities), holiday or vacation pay; bonus pay, severance pay and pension payments.

When special payments are reported, the Unemployment Insurance Bureau determines if these payments volition reduce a claimant'south do good payment, and if so, the amount of the reduction. For special payments yous volition receive a determination (Form UIA 1302) with details almost the reduced payment.

In general, if gross earnings or special payments for the week exceed one.5 times your weekly benefit amount (excessive earnings), you lot will non be eligible for benefits for that calendar week, including the $600 Pandemic Unemployment Bounty (PUC) payment.

To calculate your earnings for the week, multiply your hourly rate of pay by the number of hours you lot worked during the week (Lord's day through Saturday).

For Example:

1. If you earn more than $1.00 up to but not equal to your weekly benefit amount in any week, subtract half of your earnings from the payment: You can figure this out by following this formula: Weekly Benefit Amount - 1/2 of the amount you earned _______________________________ Your new amount 2. If you earn an amount equal to your weekly benefit amount but not more than 1.5 times your payment during a week, follow this formula: Multiply your weekly benefit amount by 1.5 - the total amount you earned __________________________________________ Your new amount 3. If you earn an amount equal to 1.5 times your weekly benefit amount or more (or if you worked full time) you are not entitled to a payment for that week.

When certifying each calendar week online or by phone, be certain to respond yep when asked if yous worked during a specific week. Exist sure to study earnings for the week in which you performed the piece of work, NOT the week in which you received the payment. Study the total corporeality of earnings before taxes are taken out.