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The Real Side Chicks of Charlotte on What Channel

Real Sidechicks of Charlotte Episode 1 Recap — No Plus 1's

Dion Beary

The Real Sidechicks of Charlotte premiered Monday night on the show's YouTube channel, and y'all, I am hooked. This is trash TV at its absolute finest.

The episode opens with Nisha and her girlfriend Wren sleeping in bed together before they're interrupted by Devon. He complains that she hasn't been answering her phone, so Nisha commits a quick simple assault misdemeanor to get rid of him. To be fair, he was trespassing. Does North Carolina have a Stand Your Ground Law for interrupting a cuddle session?

Nisha calls th e police and Devon calls his wife, because he's the worst cheater ever. "Honey, you've got to get down here right now. My sidechick is cheating on me with her friend and she's now called the police on me for trying to beat them up. We as a couple cannot stand for this."

Next up, Shador is at an acting audition when Xarbie shows up and asks her why Shador is wasting her time chasing her dreams when she could just be a stripper instead. You know, not a day goes by I don't ask myself the same question.

We then meet Brixx at GAT3 Recording Studio with Producer 20. Her man Nikkie Bandz shows up to support her by demeaning her performance and making her do it over again. Nikkie claims he's just received an emergency text and has to leave. Within like 15 seconds, his Uber arrives. "Uber's don't get here that fast," Brixx points out. "You must be off to see your other" Apparently Brixx has way too much self-respect to not be the top priority sidechick.

Brixx gets a call her friend Ralph who just saw Nikkie get in a car with Xarbie. Brixx says "But he said he was getting in an Uber." Ralph replies, "Then Xarbie must have a job at Uber."

Nikkie Bandz gets an "emergency call" that pulls him away from Brixx.

Next we meet storm. She's complains about not wanting to be a stripper anymore as she counts a huge pile of money. A friend tells her she should take her stripping money and invest it, which is solid financial advice. Storm's boo Noah has been trying to convince her to quit dancing, but when Storm gets an invite to dance at a private party that night, she decides to ditch Noah and get the bag instead.

We jump to The Ballantyne with Lynette, Tiffany, and Dianna. Dianna tries to stage an impromptu intervention over Tiffany's drinking problem, and Tiffany deflects by bringing up Lynette's relationship with Playboi Breeze. But Playboi Breeze isn't even invited to the party, because Lynette's new man Twan Da Dude is coming. Oh, and Playboi Breeze and Dianna's man Cary Boi, who she wants to invite to the party, are best friends. I'm not a psychic, but I feel like this housewarming party is going to be a straight up disaster.

Nisha doesn't understand why Wren is still upset about the breaking and entering, assault, and arrest from earlier. In a legitimately touching conversation, the two discuss about how they're new to same-sex relationships and Wren feels as if she can't trust Nisha anymore since Devon must've gotten the key to Nisha's house somehow. Then they kiss and make up despite solving absolutely none of their problems.

Ralph meets up with Shador and Tiffany next. Shador complains that one of her man's girlfriend's smashed the back of her car. Do you think GEICO has extra fees for sidechicks? Ralph is my favorite part of the show so far, by the way. He's wearing a full size shawl, skinny distressed jeans, and combo boots, and that ladies and gentlemen is a #look.

They head to Nadeau to look for a gift for Lynette's housewarming party. Shador wants to get Lynette something nice, but Ralph says "It's not my house, so why would I care what we get her?" Yes, Ralph, this is going to be my new policy on all housewarming parties.

They recount some complicated drama about hair and some girl named Lyric who Ralph is beefing with. Ralph says if he sees Lyric at the party he's going to "snatch her edges back to Oz." I wish Ralph was my life coach. Later at Southbound, Shador talks about being annoyed that Tiffany is coming to the housewarming party due to her severe alcoholism. They play a clip of Tiffany and Shador drunkenly fighting in LA. The fight started when Tiffany was grinding on Ralph, to which he says, "She's barking up the wrong tree, because I am every bit of a fairy."

Despite this, Shador promises to try her best to behave at the party, and then the three debate whether or not giving oral sex negates your right to double dip chips and salsa. My take? It does. Quick note: it's at this point that I hit the subscribe button. I will never miss one minute of this show.

George Constanza and Jerry Seinfeld would have a field day with this conversation on double dipping.

Noah is mad that Storm ditched him the other night, so Storm surprises him at work by getting half naked right there on the floor. I really want to know which bar this was so I can remember to never eat there.

We hop to Rush Espresso with Cary Boi and Dianna. Dianna invites both Cary Boi and Playboi Breeze to the housewarming party later, directly against Lynette's wishes. Dang, I hope someone has CMPD on speed dial for this party, because there's like four different violent feuds represented. Xarbie vs. Brixx, Shador vs. Lyric, Playboi Breeze vs. Lynette's new man, and Tiffany vs. her own liver. Let's get ready to rumble.

Ralph brings Xarbie to the party, even though he's the one who told Brixx about Xarbie and Nikkie Bandz. Ralph seems flabbergasted that Brixx doesn't want to party with Xarbie. He confesses he did for #thedramatics, and I am so glad he did. He brought this Xarbie girl into what is definitely not her Xarbie world, but it is fantastic.

All of Brixx's friends demean her for a few minutes, before she learns for the first time that Nikkie Bandz is married. Shador says Brixx shouldn't be mad because "Xarbie is a stripper b*tch with a big booty. Anyone would be into a stripper b*tch with a big booty." She should be a divorce lawyer. A bunch of people try to leave by Lynette doesn't want to lose a single drop of this powder keg and convinces everyone to stay.

Nisha shows up with Lyric. Lyric tries to make peace by explaining that the hairdresser drama that started their beef was actually orchestrated by Lynette and Nisha. Everyone starts screaming and Lynette begs them to stop fighting in her new "big ass, white people ass neighborhood in Ballantyne."

One more knock on the door. Here we go. It's Dianna, Cary Boi, and Playboi Breeze! Twan Da Dude, who is dressed like Al Roker crossed with Kid Rock, isn't going to like Lynette's old man showing up. I'm shaking. Dianna lies to Lynette's face about inviting them, and we get a dramatic cliffhanger of an ending. If you want to know who gets beat up, who gets arrested, and how Tiffany's battle with alcohol addiction plays out, you'll have to tune in Monday at 8pm (or whenever, since it's YouTube).

This party full of people who hate each other is off to a bad start.

Episode 1 MVP's:

  • Ralph, for "doing it for the dramatics."
  • Lynette, for moving into her "white people ass neighborhood in Ballantyne." We movin' on up.
  • Storm's friend Strawberry, for encouraging her to use her stripper money on the stock market. She's like the Dave Ramsey of the exotic dancing world.

Episode 1 "Fix It Jesus" Awards

  • All of Brixx's friends who tried to treat her like she was crazy for being mad Xarbie was there.
  • Nikkie Bandz, for the worst fake emergency text performance of all time.
  • Storm, for getting naked at someone's place of work. We all don't work at places where you're allowed to get naked, Storm.

Episode 2 Predictions

  • Twan Da Dude and Playboi Breeze decide to settle their differences with words, not with violence.
  • White flight impacts the entire neighborhood of Ballantyne.
  • Tiffany complains about how nobody trusts her with alcohol ten minutes before getting into a drunken brawl with a houseplant.

The Real Side Chicks of Charlotte on What Channel
